Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 256GB
[Galaxy S24 Ultra]
$549.00 $479.00-13%
Date Added: 06/28/2024 by Kostella Tobiden.
Descriptions are accurate and the ratings of the phone condition matches. 2 purchases from Ripesale so far and the only way I could afford/ justify buying the phone I needed now that prices for everything have gone up. Tracking delivery was accurate and contact was prompt and reasonable....
Date Added: 03/25/2024 by Erica Wong.
Can Samsung Galaxy s24 ultra be bought in China be used in other countries with other carriers or are they locked?
Reply: Yes, they mostly can....
Date Added: 02/04/2024 by sharif Trum.
Best smartphone i ever had. The Price is cheaper than S23U. It has a really good aparat and screen, it also have a great screen colors. AND MOST IMPORTANT: NEW AI WHICH IS AWESOME....
Date Added: 02/04/2024 by steve chrisz.
very true , i phone real cost 500$ components cost, I hope i can get it quickly, i pre-book one 1th Feb....